Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It is hard to believe this is the 6th year anniversary of the attack on 9/11/01. Steve and I had been dating for just a short time when that happened and initially I thought he was in the World Trade Center when Mary called to tell me to turn the TV on and I saw the second plane hit. Based on the way I reacted just thinking Steve was there can only shadow how the people who lost loved ones in that disaster feel. There are no words to say how glad I am Steve is now my husband. I am blessed! Add a way cool daughter and wonderful grandkids to the mix and I am a very happy wife, mother, and grandmother.

Been working on the presentation handouts for the AASL conference in Reno and been reading graphic novels, chick lit, and urban lit. What a mix! I have Wild Ride: A Graphic Guide Adventure written by Liam O'Donnell and illustrated by Mike Deas next to me. It is an Orca title so it is set in Canada, but is a great addition to a MS collection. I love the color illustrations of the feisty female character and her determined little brother. On the way to visit their parents on a scientist expedition the siblings, another young teen, and an unscrupulous man are left to fend for themselves when the bush plane they are in goes down in a remote area. Reminiscent of Paulsen's Hatchet the group builds a shelter with saplings and branches, etc. Not only is this book an adventure it also teaches survival techniques for kids and teens who go camping or get lost in the woods. It also has an ecological message as the bad guy is interested in helping the company that wants to clear cut the area. Hand this one to the MS guy who says he doesn't read. :-)

All for tonight.

My desk in a box was delivered today. It sits in the middle of our entry way - all 200 plus pounds of it for Steve to put together. :-) I am hoping I will come back from Greenville next week to a L shaped desk set up in my office. Have to drive home Weds. afternoon after our meeting gets out as our dining room table and china cabinet will be delivered next Thursday. Then we will be pretty well set other than display shelving in the living room for our "stuff" that we have collected.