Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Folks - don't throw away the publisher's catalog you receive - they are a wealth of information. I know most of us like to order things online, but the print catalog from the publishers are a delightful way to get to the know the authors and books before you receive them in your library or home. If the cover of Bloomsbury and Walker Books for Young Readers' catalog doesn't get your attention - half of a female face with a golden tear trailing down from a closed eye with a golden lid - I would be very surprised. I recognized the cover and had to flip through the catalog first to find Captivate by Carrie Jones so I could read the blurb on its sequel Need in which you find out about the trial of gold dust. Need also has an arresting cover - this time the lips are gold. For those of you who want a paranormal romance, but not focused on vampires or werewolves, Jones has offered up a pixie king who is both sexy and dangerous. Zara's world is turned upside down when he states she is fated to be his queen. Let the girls know about as they can learn about the author, watch book trailers, read reviews, and even enter a contest. Very cool! Use the Internet to pique the teens' interest in reading. Bookmark book trailers on the library computers and display the books that go with them near the computers. You'll be replacing books regularly! :)

The other thing I look for in publishers' catalogs is the debut titles. Jen Nadol's The Mark caught my attention as it deals with the ability to see the glow around a person who is about to die. If you know this, should/could you stop the death from happening?

I chuckled aloud when I read the blurb for Jean Reidy and Genevieve Leloup's picture book debut - Too Purpley! as this little fashionista has been my daughter and is my granddaughter! What fun to watch the girly/girly clothing demands, except when you are running late! I sent McKinley a princess costume and she loves it - so does her brother Kegan, which just tickles my fancy!